Automated traffic enforcement solutions to elevate community safety.

Making our neighbourhoods safer with technology and data, for everyone, everywhere.

What we do


Photo enforcement

Our solutions empower municipal public safety organizations to automate key enforcement tasks, fostering improved public safety and unbiased, more efficient operations for transportation and law enforcement agencies.

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Violations processing

Using our advanced violations processing technology, enforcement agencies can easily manage citations, from issuance to resolution. Our solution simplifies operations, offering both speed and fairness in enforcement.

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Advanced analytics

Discover how our data-driven performance metrics and predictive analytics can illuminate actionable insights, leading to strategic resource deployment and optimized operations.

How we do it

Data-driven insights to curb bad driving behavior, manage traffic congestion, and reduce fatalities and injuries.

of U.S. state and local automated enforcement program implementations

fewer deaths in cities with red-light cameras

lives could be saved annually by adding speed cameras on local roads

Who we do it for

With the correct mix of tools and methods, automated traffic enforcement can be a cost-effective strategy for state and local agencies to enhance road safety for all.

Contact us

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1602-25 Adelaide Street E
Toronto, ON
M5C 3A1